- The telephone is one of the safest appliances in your home or office. There are, however, a few situations where a telephone user needs to be cautious.
- The telephone is one of the safest appliances in your home or office. There are, however, a few situations where a telephone user needs to be cautious.
- Use of the Telephone Near Water: The telephone should not be used while you are in the bathtub, shower, or pool. Immersion of the telephone or handset in water could cause electrical shock.
- Use of the Telephone During an Electrical Storm: You should avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm in your immediate area; calls of an urgent nature should be brief. There is a remote risk of a dangerous electrical shock from lightning when using the telephone during a nearby electrical storm.
- Use of the Telephone to Report a Gas Leak: If you think you have found a gas leak, you should not use a telephone in the vicinity of the leak until the leak has been repaired. The telephone contains electrical contacts that could generate a tiny spark when you lift the handset and dial. While unlikely, it may be possible for this spark to trigger an explosion if the gas concentration is high enough.
- Star Communications Internet service can be a wonderful tool for your family’s learning and enjoyment. When using the internet, following these guidelines will help keep your family safe.
- Never give out personal information such as your name, home address, phone number, or school name to anyone in a chat room or on a bulletin board.
- Remind your children to tell you immediately if something on the internet causes them to feel uncomfortable.
- Remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Be careful with business transactions as well as personal relationships that you develop online.